Fortunately, a quick web search provides answers to most Scrivener questions.
The full Scrivener manual comes in PDF format, which I found cumbersome to use. Scrivener is accessible on MacOS and comes with a helpful interactive tutorial. I figured anything used by professional writers to create 150,000-word manuscripts ought to be worth a look. After I bellyached to a couple of writer friends, they encouraged me to try Scrivener. I was discouraged by the Microsoft Office subscription model for Office 365 and VoiceOver issues with Apple Pages, I wanted an app that was affordable, accessible, and content-oriented. I needed a replacement for Word 2010 on my retired Windows 7 system. Scrivener is the end of my long search for a new word processor.

I use v3.0.2 on MacOS, but Scrivener is also available on iOS and Windows. It's extremely flexible and configurable, supports very large content with ease, and outputs to many formats, including Markdown. Scrivener, available from Literature and Latte, is a powerful content-generation tool designed for writers. To create the content, I use a more powerful and flexible tool-Scrivener.

Many people use MultiMarkdown Composer to create their Markdown content, but I mainly use it as a previewer. If you find any mistakes, go back and fix them in the left pane. Enter Markdown content on the left pane and preview the output on the right. The user interface consists of two panes. Perhaps the best single tool for creating Markdown content is MultiMarkdown Composer. Markdown syntax is pretty unforgiving, and your first Markdown post probably contained errors that you had to edit. By now, you've discovered that knowing Markdown isn't enough. That's all you need! Now just start using Markdown in your AppleVis posts and comments! To create Markdown content, familiarize yourself with Markdown syntax using this quick introduction to Markdown. Want to write professional-looking content for AppleVis? Most of the AppleVis editors and bloggers use Markdown, a simple language for generating HTML.